Hauck Disney Rocky Baby Bouncer, Mickey Stars - Suitable from Birth to 9kg, Fully Adjustable Backrest, Carry Handles, Lightweight & Compact

Amazon Deals

£29.95 £38.16


Adjustable - The baby rocker’s backrest can be adjusted in three positions with one hand only; like this your little ray of sunshine will be comfy no matter if eating, relaxing or playing

Bouncer - By pulling up or down the bouncer’s feet, you can choose whether you want it to bounce with your child’s natural movements or not

Safety - The rocker’s 3-point harness helps keep your little treasure safe at any time, no matter whether you are occupied with doing housework or something else

Easy maintenance - The swing chair’s cover can be simply removed for cleaning and as easy reattached

On trips - Thanks to two carry handles, this rocker can be easily transported and used for your next trip to grandma’s and grandpa’s

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